2nd Civilization Dialogue between Europe and Japan

2nd Civilization Dialogue between Europe and Japan

Tokai University European Center and the Niels Bohr Professorship Centre for Cultural Psychology are proud to present the International Symposium: 2nd Civilization Dialogue between Europe and Japan.


03.03.2017 kl. 14.30 - 04.03.2017 kl. 12.40


Picture: A meeting of Japan, China, and the West, by Shiba Kōkan


International Symposium: 2nd Civilization Dialogue between Europe and Japan


March 3rd, Friday

14:30-14:40 - Welcome and Introduction

14:40-15:40 - Keynote Address

Jaan Valsiner (Niels Bohr Professor of Cultural Psychology, Aalborg University) “The world is one: Through Einfühlung towards civility of human existence”

Chair: Shogo Tanaka

15:40-16:00 - Coffee

16:00-18:00 - Symposium 1: Individuality-Collectivity and Culture

Shogo Tanaka (Tokai University) “The body as the intersection between individuality and collectivity”

Luca Tateo (Aalborg University) “The body of knowledge: The allegorical personification in Positivism”

Gordana Jovanović (University of Belgrade) “Against the dualism of individualism and collectivism and for the necessity of both”

Chair: Yuki Takatori

18:00-20:00 - Dinner


March 4th, Saturday

09:30-10:00 - Opening Lecture for 2nd Session

Sei Watanabe & Yoichi Hirano (Tokai University) “An essay on Trans-Disciplinary Humanities: As a key element for Civilization Dialogue”

10:00-10:50 - Keynote Address

Peter Pantzer (Professor Emeritus, University of Bonn) Viewing foreign countries, their people and culture. And what was the reason for Japonism in the West?                

Chair: Nana Miyata

10:50-11:10 - Coffee

11:10-12:40 - Symposium 2: Diachrony and Synchrony of Civilization

Toru Hattori (Tokai University) “Tourism as social behavior”

Yuki Takatori (Tokai University) “Legitimacy of English domination and people’s attitude toward English”

Nana Miyata (Austrian Academy of Sciences) “Interdisciplinary and international research on the practice of keeping a diary”

Chairs: Tomoko Nakamura & Yoichi Hirano



Tokai University, Institute of Civilization Research



Tokai University European Center

Centre for Cultural Psychology, Aalborg University


Tokai University, Institute of Civilization Research


Vedbæk Strandvej 476, 2950 Vedbæk, Denmark